Office Staff:
Judy Brown, Secretary: The Lord desires good stewardship from His people and keeping accurate records is an important part of the Lord’s work. The Lord has blessed me with the skills and abilities to do this, and I enjoy doing what I do.
- In the book of Esther, Chapter 6, the king could not sleep one night and commanded that the book of records be read to him. It was recorded that Mordecai had warned the king about the plot of two door keepers to lay hand on the king and Mordecai had not been honored for this, so the king honored him and through a series of other events the Jewish people were saved from genocide.
- In II Kings, Chapters 22 and 23, the Bible records another story that shows the importance of record keeping. God’s people had departed from the law when some evil kings were ruling. Under King Josiah the book of the law was found when the temple was being repaired. When it was read to the king, he made changes and destroyed the places of idol worship and called for the book to be read to the people. After the reading of the book the people agreed to walk after the LORD and keep His commandments.
Kathy Lingo, Publishing:
Jackie Jameson, Web Coordinator: I love serving the Lord and am thankful that He has seen fit to give me and others talents and abilities so that we can further His ministry.
Being asked to oversee the building of Grace Baptist Church’s website has been a great honor with lots of responsibility. Because this may be first thing many people see when learning about Grace Baptist Church or even our Lord Jesus Christ I want to do the best job I can at representing Him.
1 Timothy 1:12 12 And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry,